Our Capabilities /

Broad capability to meet client expectations

Together with our investment in modern equipment, back up and technical know-how from large international company experience, Groundfix is in a robust position to meet our clients needs.

All of the services we offer for our larger commercial and civil infrastructure projects are scalable to meet residential requirements.

Our open and straightforward approach ensures that everyone understands what’s required to deliver your project from start to finish.

The Groundfix team works alongside you to understand your needs. From onsite assessments through to delivering a comprehensive geotechnical groundwork design that meets consent requirements through to the final construction work.

We’ll ensure you get the most efficient and cost effective solution to meet your needs. With extensive experience in all types of ground stabilisation we offer a complete service from start to finish.

P. 09 442 4423

19 Anvil Road
Auckland 0932

28 Buchan Street
Christchurch 8023