Stanley Road – Devonport
Award winning slip remediation
Slip remediation following 2023 Auckland Anniversary Floods.
Groundfix were engaged to complete the construction of a reinforced concrete in-ground palisade wall, to remediate a slip at a residential property which occurred during the 2023 Auckland Anniversary Weekend floods.
The scope of the works involved installing 19 piles, 450mm and 600mm diameter and up to 10m depth, a 25m long capping and landscaping works.
All construction access was completed through a narrow site access less than 2m wide.
The access and available space on site were the most challenging aspects of this project. The methodology and sequencing of each pile was carefully considered to ensure we did not block access for the next phase of the works.
We are proud to say our works at this project won the Category A award at the 2023 CCNZ Auckland Construction awards.